Poems inspired from life experiences. Awakening and realizing who we really are is meant to be fun and light. It is my hope they will brighten your day as well as make you smile.
As Within so Without
As within so without, I Am, yes I Am. I never was not.
I Am as spacious as the space without.
My spirit roams, my mind soars but I remain. I Am.
I AM the reflection of you. You ARE the reflection of me.
Let the light brighten our rays and the sun shine all ways.
We Are as One
Forever I Am.
When still like a crystalline lake the mind of the observer sees reflection of Oneself reflected back unto itself.
One can see One is.
In the eternal now, anchored in heart,
valiant and graceful, the brave walk the line
between yesterday and tomorrow.
No need to fear. Only to be....NOW
“Listen to the whispers of heart.
Be still and feel....
Like a murmur gently caressing the throat,
speak only truth
I love you says the chosen one.
I love you says the fallen one.
Let there be light! Let the light brighten your smile.
Let the light illuminate your sight!
Be still and listen.....”
“The Initiation”
Hey come and play with me!
Walk through my door and
leave behind your chores.
Cut and run.
Life was meant to be fun.
Come and play with me!”
Looking for Balance
In the eye of the storm
Nothing follows the norm
I feel so lost
Today is not a good day
But tomorrow might be OK
Tell me I'm alright
Because I don't feel so bright
I'm too afraid
I will fail
Never good enough
But Hey...
I been here before
Round and round in circles it goes
Life is all a game
I know I will be OK
“2 Y’s 4 U”
They call me
Princess Smartypants
Cos I happen to know
Something you don’t
That’s why!”
“Talk less!
Listen more!
I want to be heard
I’m fucking hurt
You’re full of shit
Such a hypocrite
Throw a fit
Or just split
Either way
I don’t care
You got no flair ”
My heart is a feather
My loyalty forever
No desire for better
or more
are those
in the throes
of matter and form
No more shall I long
for more than Your song
Holy Dance
In thy eyes I awaken
I rise and I'm shaken
Fire up my spine
in Your soul I Am
Your heart is my abode
Illuminated by Thy light
in eternity we reside
Fired up by Thy might
In ecstasy is my will
when I vow to allow
Your light
now in my heart
Your pulse under my skin
and my heart thirsting like a million sins
“Full of air
take no airs
You are not
so very hot
Only a trot or
just a nudge
away from God
Just the same
it’s all insane!”
So What My Head Is Screwed?
So what my head is screwed
I’m not fooled
Nor subdued
Not even wooed
By your brood
Slave away all day
You say
This is mine
and not yours
So don’t think or shine
Just toe the line
But I’m not fooled
I know your rules
Just playing cool
Like a drool
From old school
Cos I’m awake
With a name
That shines a light
On your trickery might
To see you fly
Way out of sight
Jacqueline in the box
All smiles and guile
Down on her knees
“Love me please,
I want to be
your sweet honeybee”
Like a pie in the sky
She unfastens your tie
and puts on some blues
while she takes off your shoes
All through the night
her eyes enthralling
she casts her spells
Her heart ecstatic
She abides
till no longer she submits
Cos now you're whole
On the other shore
Without genders
Your hearts surrendered
Where is my mind
Like I’m blind
I’m falling behind
Can’t think nor act
Swallowed to many pills
had to pay too many bills
Losing my marbles
Oops there goes another one
I’m screwed
Nothing goes to plan
I’m stressed like the old man
Can’t think nor act
Swallowed too many pills
Had to pay too many bills”
Tom Smith
I got it all panned
as I had planned
Straight up the highway
without shame
It’s all part of a scam
but I don’t care
Not into ethical wares
cos I’m racing ahead
Seeing right nor left
No time for wasters
or ne'er-do-wells
I’m focused on the goal
and got to stay in motion
until I’m toasting on promotion
and sailing on the Indian Ocean
I am Magi
High as kite
I command in My name
Thy will shall be done
No sin nor chagrin
when I’m
singing hymns
on angel wings
all the way
to Kathmandu
Hi, I’m Bunny,
Sultry and funky
I service your dreams
Please you for real
Will do anything for a fee
My price is your vice
Like sugar and spice
I entice and delight
No questions asked
I got the shits
Need my fix
I must admit
it’s the pits
I’m dating a twit
who can't commit
Now I’m screwed
and feeling blue
I want to yell
I was such a Belle
now I’m a wreck
Can't get out of bed
He's so regal
shouldn't be legal
All in my head
I’m seeing red
Dreaming reasons
For every season
In want of you
Miss a spine
As days go by
Nothing’s right
What a farce
Acting like a
Lordy Sarge
Staying in your
Comfort right
If only I could say
Not much to look ahead
Can’t get
out of bed
Got too much pot
in my head
They said
get a job!
But I’m such a knob
cos my head feels
like a London fog
So Instead I'm aiming
for the coffee shop
for another spliff up my head
before I lose
the plot
Got my knickers in a twist
Like a tangle
on a moonlight tryst
Ovaries on a blacklist
Hormones squealing
Mind is reeling
Mood swinging
Recidivist shit
Venal deal
Screw this menopause