Be true to yourself and spark outside the box
Hi! My name is Carmelliea.
In 2012 I discovered the greatest regret of people have on their deathbed is the realization they didn’t live a life true to themselves. It shocked me because I knew that was exactly where I was heading.
Not wanting the same fate, and with a bit of a huge kick up my you know what, I made the decision to reboot my life a suitcase in one hand, a phone in the other. From then on, my heart would be my compass, I bravely affirmed to myself and I would find my true purpose in life. Much to my dismay I discovered that to follow your heart you need to have a fair amount of faith in life, something I was in short supply of. It had been so easy to make that decision to jump into the unknown from the safety of my old life. Suddenly I found myself out in the cold and with a whole bunch of attachments I had accumulated over the years.
Once on my own, a path presented itself and if I had been under the illusion that the red carpet would be rolled out as the big reward for being brave, I was in for a big wake up call. First pit stop turned out to be hell. I howled for days and felt miserable for months feeling utterly abandoned but eventually, I made my way out of the darkness and then joined a mystery school. I discovered gifts I could never have imagined had I stayed safe. I am for example extremely psychic, so much so that whoever I’m with, I become and for years it made my loose myself not realizing I was being overtaken. It didn’t help that I grew up with very dysfunctional parents who were constantly in crisis. As a consequence I developed a pattern of always trying to fix everyone for my own wellbeing. Keeping save boundaries and appropriate responses is still work in progress but today I’m conscious of this dynamic and I can use this gift for tuning into divine inspiration for the greater good.
Like our fingerprints we are all born with a very special ability which we bring about from our unique perspective. It hasn’t always been easy but I only have to remind myself I rather die trying, than die with regrets. Now is the time to wake up to Who We Really Are. The Hero's Journey is fiercely beckoning and I do hope my website will offer you inspiration to live life as it was meant to be; outside the box, truthfully, joyfully and lovingly!
and may the Light spark your day!
“We are a nation of magi creating with our imagination. ”